Traveller Club

Traveller Club Program is an Exclusive Loyalty Program designed to express our gratitude to our valued customers.

How to Earn Points

Every time you purchase our services, you have the opportunity to accumulate points based on the amount of your purchase. There are no limits on the type or value of the services you choose, ensuring that you earn points with every transaction.

How to Redeem Points

Once you have accumulated the minimum required points, you can redeem them towards your next purchase. This means that you can enjoy exclusive benefits and discounts when making subsequent transactions.

Benefits of Tori Rewards:

  • Exclusive Discounts: As a Tori Rewards member, you gain access to special discounts and offers tailored specifically for you.
  • Cost Savings: you can save money on future purchases by accumulating points.
  • Rewarding Experience: Experience a seamless and rewarding journey with Tori Travel as you collect and redeem points on every purchase.
    Join Tori Rewards today and start enjoying the benefits that come with being a valued member.
    We look forward to rewarding your loyalty and providing you with exceptional travel experiences.

Traveller Club

Traveller Club Program is an Exclusive Loyalty Program designed to express our gratitude to our valued customers.

How to Earn Points:

Every time you purchase our services, you have the opportunity to accumulate points based on the amount of your purchase. There are no limits on the type or value of the services you choose, ensuring that you earn points with every transaction.

How to Redeem Points:

Once you have accumulated the minimum required points, you can redeem them towards your next purchase. This means that you can enjoy exclusive benefits and discounts when making subsequent transactions.

Benefits of Tori Rewards:

  • Exclusive Discounts: As a Tori Rewards member, you gain access to special discounts and offers tailored specifically for you.
  • Cost Savings: you can save money on future purchases by accumulating points.
  • Rewarding Experience: Experience a seamless and rewarding journey with Tori Travel as you collect and redeem points on every purchase.
    Join Tori Rewards today and start enjoying the benefits that come with being a valued member.
    We look forward to rewarding your loyalty and providing you with exceptional travel experiences.

Traveller Club Program is an Exclusive Loyalty Program Designed to express our gratitude to our valued customers.

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Traveller Club Program is an Exclusive Loyalty Program designed to express our gratitude to our valued customers.

Step 1

Register Now ကို နှိပ်ပြီး နာမည်၊ ဖုန်းနံပါတ်၊ Email နှင့် Password တို့ကို ထည့်ပြီး Register ပြုလုပ်ရမှာ ဖြစ်ပါတယ်.

Step 2

Register Success ဖြစ်သွားရင်တော့ email နဲ့ password တို့ကို အသုံးပြုပြီး log in ဝင်ပြီး point တွေ စစ်လို့ ရပါပြီ.


Tori မှာ Service ဝယ်တိုင်း point တွေရ၊ စုထားပြီး 50 Points = 1 USD နှုန်းနဲ့ ပြန်သုံးဖို့ မမေ့နဲ့နော်.

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